Who We Help – Buffalo Grove, IL

We’re Dedicated to Keeping Growing Smiles Healthy

From infanthood to their teenage years, we make sure that as your child’s smile grows, we teach them good habits and help them avoid oral issues. Both of our pediatric dentists have specialized training in oral development and treating children’s smiles. To learn more about what services we can offer your child at different stages throughout their life, read below.

Dentistry for Infants

Father holding baby during dentistry for infants visit

Although your little one may only have one tooth, it’s still a good idea to get them familiarized with visiting the dentist. Our team can provide you with tips and tricks to keep their gums healthy, like how to clear away bacteria after they breast or bottle-feed. It’s recommended that by the time your child turns one year old, they should be visiting their pediatric dentist every six months for a routine checkup to ensure their oral development is on the right track.

Dentistry for Toddlers

Mother holding young child after dentistry for toddlers visit

Once your child begins getting into their toddler years, they may face other oral issues, like the adverse impacts of thumb and pacifier-sucking. Plus, since they’ll be switching to a solid diet and they’ll have more teeth by this time, it’ll be important that they receive regular professional cleanings to prevent cavities from forming and keep them from losing teeth prematurely.

Dentistry for Children

Young girl with healthy smile after dentistry for children

As your child gets older, they’ll start to transition to taking care of their smiles themselves, making it important for them to build a good at-home oral hygiene routine. Our team can help by answering any questions they may have, teaching them good brushing and flossing techniques, and even recommend some of the latest oral hygiene products. During these years where they’re still learning how to take care of their teeth, they may develop cavities more frequently. Fortunately, our team offers tooth-colored fillings and silver diamine fluoride to prevent the decay from spreading.

Dentistry for Teens

Teen woman smiling after dentistry for teens

As a teen, your child may begin to pick up bad oral habits due to the stress of applying for colleges or carrying a heavier workload at school. This could result in teeth grinding, nail-biting, or even vaping. Our team can help educate them on risk factors that could impact the health of their mouth and keep them from experiencing a dental emergency. With the proper guidance, they’ll be able to keep their smiles healthy throughout their adult life.

Dentistry for
Young Adults

Man smiling after receiving dentistry for young adults

One of the best parts about being a pediatric dental office is that we get to see our patients grow up and change. We love seeing what life has in store for our patients, which is why we don’t simply stop seeing them once they reach a certain age! We’re happy to treat young adults who have been with us for years, as they are already familiar and comfortable at our dental office, plus we have a deep understanding of their dental needs.

Special Needs Dentistry

Child in wheelchair laughing with friend after special needs dentistry visit

Drs. Capezio and Loiben have undergone additional training throughout their pediatric dental residencies on how to provide children who have special needs with comfortable experiences in the treatment chair. Children with intellectual or physical disabilities often face a higher risk of unique oral health problems, and our team can help establish preventive measures to ensure their teeth and gums stay in tip-top shape.