From the Mouths of Babes: What to Do if Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 10:06 pm
Smiling child

While children are wonderful and lovable beings, they can also have poor hand-eye coordination and have a knack for getting into trouble. Kids are known to roughhouse, ride bikes too fast down hills, and play contact sports without the proper protective equipment, and all of these things can lead to a tooth getting dislodged or another dental emergency. Here’s how to handle your child knocking out a tooth and how to get them the professional dental help they need.

Can My Child’s Tooth Be Saved?

It can be easy to lose your cool after your child knocks out a tooth, but keeping your head about you can help you bring the situation to a favorable conclusion. Dentists can often reimplant a tooth in the gum if they get to the patient on time, so it’s important to act quickly. A dislodged tooth’s chances of being saved begin to decline sharply after about two hours. By knowing what to do, you can save time and get your child the care they need sooner.

How Do I Handle a Dislodged Tooth?

The first order of business after a child dislodges a tooth is to locate and secure your child’s lost tooth if possible. Follow the following guidelines when handling dislodged teeth:

  • Hold the tooth by the top, never by the roots. The roots will be shocked and sensitive, and the slightest friction can injure them.
  • Check to ensure the tooth is intact and has no fractures.
  • If the tooth is dirty, swish it about in a bowl of lukewarm water to clean it. Use no soap or other cleaning agents.
  • If you can, place the tooth back in its socket by having your child bite down on it through gauze or a moist paper towel. Tell your child to try to keep it in place by holding this bite until they can see the dentist.
  • If you can’t reinsert it into the gum, store it in your child’s cheek, in their lip, or in a small container of saliva or cold milk. Pharmacies also sell products that can keep a tooth in savable condition for up to twenty-four hours, so that can be a great solution if it is available.

How Can I Get My Child Help After They Dislodge a Tooth?

It’s important to see the dentist as soon as possible after your child dislodges a tooth. Call the office before you get there to tell them you’re coming and explain the situation. You may receive further instructions about caring for your child until then. If their office is closed, go to an emergency room. There, your child will receive pain relievers and antibiotics and the tooth will be treated to keep it in savable condition until a dentist can treat it.

About the Practice

Capezio Loiben Pediatric Dentistry provides the best children’s dental services available in Buffalo Grove, IL. Led by Drs. Nickolas Capezio and Ted Loiben, the staff delivers effective treatments in a fun and comforting environment. Areas of expertise include pediatric dentistry, tooth extractions, and emergency kid’s dentistry. If your child has dislodged a tooth, dial (847) 459-9100 or contact the office online.